Video Game Price Charts App now available on Android Market!
The same day as my RF Generation app, I’m also releasing a Video Game Price Charts app!
Quickly look up current market prices for over 26,600 video games from your Android device! Avoid getting ripped off at pricy secondhand gaming stores, or confirm that you’ve dug up a diamond in the rough at a garage sale. You can even scan a barcode for a speedy lookup, no typing necessary.
As my second app, this one went much, much faster than the RF Generation app. Development time from start to finish was about two and a half weeks. I did some of my first work with Sqlite and AsyncTasks, and now I’ll be implementing what I learned in version 2.0 of the RF Generation app. I don’t have anything more planned for this one, but if any suggestions come in, I wouldn’t mind adding another feature or two.
This app uses jsoup to parse HTML, CWAC EndlessAdapter to display browse/search results, AChartEngine to display price charts, and IntentIntegrator for integration with ZXing’s Barcode Scanner.
RF Generation App now available on Android Market!

Hey everybody!
The RF Generation app is now officially on the Android Market!
New features since the beta I posted include searching, an image viewer, and numerous bugfixes. If you installed the old beta, please uninstall it first, or you may experience issues installing the new version from the market. Updates will be smooth after that.
I thought about putting out another beta, but why keep making everyone come back and check my blog for updates when your phone could just notify you when a new version is out? And since I'm just a development team of one, it's really a perpetual beta anyway. I'll do my best to fix any issues reported in the forum thread and get updates pushed out on the market quickly.
Now that it's up... I'm going to pretty much start over. This was my first app and the code is a mess. I already wrote a second app that went much smoother and quicker, so I'll be able to apply everything I've learned to RFG App 2.0 to make it even better than this one.
As always, your comments and suggestions are welcome. Enjoy!